Justice is a Treasure Pt. 2: Dead Cops, Hacktivists, and Whistleblowers

“The Best Revenge is MASSIVE success.” –Frank Sinatra

As I type this, Black Lives Matter activists are blocking an interstate in Atlanta. Protests are going on in many places all over the country.

But the first thing I need to address is the police shooting that occurred during a BLM protest last night. Because of the timing, I did entertain the idea of a conspiracy. But in this instance, I don’t believe it was a set-up or a false flag. I still admit that there’s a possibility there, but for the most part, I assume that this happened. 5 officers were killed, last I heard. Some of whom may have been racist and probably more who weren’t. There may have even been some who were racial equality activists. I don’t have information on the victims.

The thing I feel like I need to say is that, while I am a huge BLM proponent, a mass murder like this can only hurt. This will cause many, MANY difficulties in the near future. From first-hand sources, I know there are quite a few white supremacist militias that are were chomping at the bits for an excuse to mobilize. Black people are going to die because they committed a racial crime in retaliation.

To my black fam, I have nothing more to say to you than continue your education and continue to strive for success in your community and career. Stay powerful & keep your heart soft. Following these words can only lead to greatness.

The second thing I need to address tonight is a certain injustice involving a member of anonymous.

Deric Lostutter, from Winchester, Kentucky, is a hacktivist who exposed 2 rapists and a child pornography ring in 2012. Click here for all the details. To sum it all up, Deric got raided by the FBI in April 2013 and was charged with 4 felony counts of computer crimes. He faces up to 16 years in prison for exposing rapists, pedophiles and pornographers. To top all of it off, there were never any formal charges filed for pedophilia or child pornography, but 2 of the rapists got off with 1 year and 2 years jail time, respectively.

Deric now faces up to 8x times the sentence of a rapist for exposing said rapist. My greatest hope is that the judge will be able to reduce his sentence to the minimum of each count, but it has been made painfully obvious that at the least, he will serve more jailtime than the sicko’s he exposed. I’m sure anyone who is reading this will agree that this is 100% ass-backwards.

I bring this up because, while the justice system does need a major overhaul, there are still small niggles like this, which, while being easily fixable, can ruin one’s entire life.

People like this deserve a parade with confetti and steady drizzle of skittles & glitter. This mans name will go next to the other great whistleblowers of our nation, in my book. Such names as Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, Chelsea Manning and Aaron Swartz. Keep this mans name enshrined in your hearts because he represents the true, self-sacrificing justice that our nation (and specifically, law-enforcement) needs.


Justice is a Treasure

And in the last 2 days, it’s been a 4-letter word.

I hate to get political in my first blog entry, but it HAS to be addressed. And it has to be addressed not only by me, but by any peace seeking, humanistic individual. It’s a responsibility we have to maintain in this world to stand up for truth and what is right.

What needs to be shouted from each and every mouth hole at this point in time is,


All lives do indeed matter, but a firefighter doesn’t get to a house fire and spray the house across the street. They spray the house that’s on fire. Our black brothers’ and sisters’ house is on fire. It’s been on fire for way too long. Alton Sterling and Philando Castile’s lives were taken away, and their families will never fully recover. The black community as a whole may never recover. I’m not going to go into statistics, but you can look into the injustice towards African-Americans and see that we are still not where we should be in 2016.

There are many things that can be done about police brutality, but first and foremost, we need the good officers to start standing up and disposing of their trash. I applaud Nakia Jones for coming forward today and sharing her thoughts as a black female police officer in her live Facebook broadcast. It is a great first step. As much as I hate a bigot, it isn’t a crime to be a racist, but these cops have to be relocated or forced to resign if they have judgmental and hateful ideologies. Officers need to gain the courage needed to throw the trash under the bus, and point out the officers that might pose a potential threat.

In the long-run, the most important thing is serving justice to all murderer’s, whether they wear blue or rep their gang colors. Police shootings will probably never stop, but the idea is to achieve demographically-corresponding percentages & justice served for all people.

This also goes for politicians, and namely, Hillary Clinton.

This week, FBI Director James Comey came forward and recommended that no charges be filed against Hillary Clinton over the huge email-scandal drama that has dragged on since March of last year. Among breaking every rule in the book over confidential and secret information, she also wrote about other things such as the exchange of money for political favors, and at the extreme end, exchanging donations to her charity fund The Clinton Foundation for a uranium mine (and who knows whose hands the uranium will end up in).

Just to qualify myself, I was in the United States Navy and I had a SCI (Secret Compartmented Information) clearance (which is higher than top-secret). Director Comey’s defense of Hillary rested on her intent. First of all, intent has no defense mechanism in law, and secondly, it’s impossible to prove. Assault & battery are still assault & battery.

There was no excercisable defense for Hillary Clinton’s crimes and she got away with crimes that no one else can get away with.

What we can learn from these 2 examples is that power corrupts wholly. We have to devise better standards for the men & women we put in power. If we don’t, our country will never overcome the divide and become the true melting pot that our founder’s had in mind.

“Come together, right now…over me..”

*Curtains fall*

Wait…wait…wait just a second. Let me just take this opportunity to announce my first novel “Vana” will be coming out next year. I will be self-publishing it to a few select e-book markets, and I will also be printing some full-sized floppy soft-covers. Pre-order’s will be coming for the physical edition at the end of this year (or perhaps as late as Feb 2017).

To give a short synopsis, the title of the book is pali for the english word forest. The book will follow Vedia, an alchemist who lives in the woods. Vedia suffers from PTSD and must overcome the horrors in her mind (and sometimes, immediate environment) to deliver a sacred vine to another friend in need.

Thank you all for reading, and I’ll be posting again soon.
